Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Animasi Karakter - 3D Blender (Puff-Sharoom) Portofolio

"Animasi karakter"

Pada praktikum 6 .Saya mendapat tugas membuat animasi karekter dan dapat berputar 360 Derajat.
Dan saya pun membuat karakter dari game Plant And Zombie yaitu Puff-Sharoom.

Fungsi dari animasi berputar 360 Derajat yaitu agar bentuk dari karakter tersebut terlihat panoramanya dari depan hingga belakang.

Proses pembuatannya :

Hasilnya :

Muchamad Dwi Roma Nursita

ADAW Bumper - 3D Animation (Portofolio)

Ini adalah hasil tugas akhir mata kuliah 3D animasi. Saya mendapat tugas membuat bumper Komunitas ADAW dengan batas penyelesaian selama 2 minggu.
Dan ini hasilnya :

Hasil Gambar

Proses Pembuatan :

Hasil Rendering :

Dan ini hasil yang saya gabungkan dengan teman - teman.:

Muchamad Dwi Roma Nursita

Monday, 24 February 2014

"Finger Dancing" Animasi 2D (Dance Animation) (Portofolio)

Nah ini video animasi 2D yang pertama saya buat dengan teman - teman MMB yaitu Nita & Yesinta. Pembuatan video ini kita menggunakan Adobe Flash Cs 6. Sebelumnya kita mencari sebuah Ide dahulu. Agar animasi yang kita buat beda dengan yang lain nya. Setelah kita mendapatkan sebuah Ide, kita baru membuat sebuah storyboard. Setelah kita membuat storyboard. Kita baru membuat animasinya di Adobe Flash Cs 6.
Pertama kita membuat karakter animasinya dulu
seperti gambar di bawah ini :

Animasi Karakter

kemudian kita membuat propertinya seperti :
Kipas Angin

Karpet Merah


Dan hasilnya seperti Video dibawah ini :

Muchamad Dwi Roma Nursita

Film "Layang - Layangku"

Film ini mengambil dari tema anak - anak. Film ini yaitu pertama kali kita buat. Prosesnya pembuatan film ini pun membutuhkan waktu yang lama. Sebelum kita membuat sebuah Film "Layang - Layangku" kita pun harus membuat shotlist, storyboard dan lain -lain. 



Dalam Film "Layang - Layangku" ini kita menceritakan anak yang patuh dan nurut pada ibunya. dia pun selalu membantu ibunya.

Jika kalian ingin tahu cerita dari Film "Layang - Layangku". 
Nah silakan tonton Film yang kita buat ini.
Terima Kasih. :)

Muchamad Dwi Roma Nursita

Video MMB Sport (NEWS)

Ini adalah sebuah Video News yang pertama kali saya buat dengan teman - teman. Kita mendapat tugas membuat sebuah Video News dari dosen kita. Maksud dari tugas ini adalah agar kita bisa belajar bagaimana cara membuat sebuah berita.

Kemudian kita pun meliput seluruh pertandingan Futsal Putra yang mana pertandingan tersebut adalah Final MMB FUTSAL.

Muchamad Dwi Roma Nursita

Video Profile "UKM MUSIC PENS"

Ini adalah Video Profile yang saya buat dengan teman - teman.
kita membuat sebuah Video Profile UKM Music PENS (POLITEKNIK ELEKTRONIKA NEGERI SURABAYA) yang berdurasi 2 menit. dan ini kita produksi selama 1 minggu.

Muchamad Dwi Roma Nursita

Film Travelling "CHIRU JALAN JALAN"

Film Travelling.
Kalian pasti tahu apa itu Film Travelling.
Nah film ini saya buat dengan teman - teman pada tanggal 5 Desember 2013. Film Travelling ini kita buat di Kota Malang. Proses pembuatan Film Travelling ini penuh perjuangan dan sudah mengocek uang ratusan ribu. Dengan pengeluaran uang tersebut, itu pun tidak kita pemasalahkan. Karena di balik pembuatan film ini saya dan teman - teman bisa belajar dan bermain bersama - sama. Dan itu adalah hal yang paling berkesan bagi saya.

Kalian ingin tahu apa yang saya lakukan dengan teman - teman di Kota Malang
dan kenapa judul film kita " CHIRU JALAN - JALAN" ?
Nah silakan tonton Film Travelling yang kita buat ini.
pasti seru.... :)

Muchamad Dwi Roma Nursita

Film Dokumenter "Hello Goodbye"

Ini adalah FILM kedua yang saya buat dengan teman - teman saya. Film ini menceritakan kisah percintaan dan film ini kita kemas menjadi film dokumenter. Sebelum kita memproses film ini, kita pun mengumpulkan ide - ide cerita yang kita buat. Setelah kita mendapatkan ide tersebut, kita pun kebingungan untuk mencari judul yang tepat dengan ide cerita yang kita buat. Kita pun harus menguras pikiran kita dan kita pun harus mengumpulkan beberapa judul yang akan kita sesuaikan dengan ide cerita yang kita buat. dan akhirnya pun kita mendapatkan judul tersebut yaitu "Hello Goodbye".

Kenapa kita menggunakan judul "Hello Goodbye"?
Nah tonton saja Film kita dan ikuti ceritanya... :)
Terima kasih.. :)

Muchamad Dwi Roma Nursita

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Travelling With Korean Students :)

   Tuesday, January 28,2014. We went to Juanda airport at 6 p.m. to pick up Korean people that's just arrived there. We went there by minibus together with some lecturers. Before we arrived there, we bought some foods in "Bebek Harissa" Restaurant. “Do you know Bebek Harissa?”, Bebek Harissa is fried duck with spicy sauce. And then We bought many foods so we could have dinner together at Juanda airport with Korean people.
   On 8 p.m. we arrived at Juanda airport. We went to the International arrival and we brought a paper that's written "Smile Project". The purpose is to let the Korean people know that we're from Electronics Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya (PENS). After we waited few hours, finally korean people arrived. After we met, we took them to check in to IBIS hotel in Juanda airport and we had dinner together.

Me and my friends introduced ourselves to Korean students. I met with Cho Deok, Ha, Gyuha, Lazaro and Namae. They introduced their selves too using indonesia language . It was really fun. From all the Korean students, Gyuha is the oldest. After we had dinner, we went back to Electronics Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya (PENS) to prepare our things for tomorrow and we let Korean people to take a rest.

    Wednesday, January 29, 2014. We went to IBIS hotel in Juanda airport at 5 a.m. to pick up Korean people that’s in there. We went there by minibus together with some lecturers. After, arrived to IBIS hotel. And then we went to Ngadirejo Village together. Before we arrived to Ngadirejo Village, we stopped in “Rawon Nguling” restaurant at Probolinggo. We bought foods at “Rawon Nguling” for breakfast. In there many food, Example : Nasi Goreng (Fried Rice), Beef Satay, Goat Satay, Rawon (Rawon Rice), Gule, ect. But we choose Rawon (Rawon Rice). “ Do you know Rawon?”. Rawon is traditional food from Indonesia and made of beef. And then we tell to Korean students, how to eat rawon rice. Then, how to eat Fish Chip ( Kerupuk ) with rawon rice. After, breakfast. We continued trip to Ngadirejo Village.

On 10 a.m. We came to Ngadirejo Village. Our purpose in there is spreading solution at Ngadirejo Village. After, arrived to Ngadirejo Village. Then we take all stuff in the car. After that, we are briefed about What is “Smile Project” and what will we do there for the next 5 days” by Prof. Young Bong Seo. There we distinguished our home stay between Engineering Team And Multimedia Team.
    Multimedia Team stayed in the village chief's house and it’s a lukcy for Multimedia Team. “Why “Multimedia Team” is very lucky?”. Because, the house has large room and Mutimedia Team using as multimedia office.
    On 4 p.m. Before we start our activities, we are briefed about ”Smile Project” by Prof. Young Bong Seo. Then, we divided into 3 groups. First is “S.A.D Team”. “S.A.D Team” consists of Dony, Cho Deok, Lazaro, Fani, and dudin. Second is “Suka Smile Team”. “Suka Smile Team” consists of Gyuhaa, Namae, Dwi and Irfan. And the last is “Musita Team”.”Musita Team” consists of Ha, Ozie, Ade, Iqbal, and me (Roma) as leader “Musita Team”.

Why names team is “ Musita”?, because “Musita” which means handsome and cool. After briefed, we met with each team for a jobdesk dividing. Multimedia team got a different jobdesk from the engineer team. Multimedia Team or “Musita Team” got a job to documenting each activity in "Smile Project". Every day, “Musita Team” make a newspaper  and spread it to local people all over village .”Why make a newspaper?”. It’s used for media information local people in Ngadirejo village. After make a newspaper, we take a rest.

    Thursday, January 30,2014. At 7 o'clock, we woke up. Before we started our activities, we had breakfast. There are so many menus that's served there. The most interesting thing is when one of our Korean friend, Dong Gyun Ha, ate chilli sauce and it made him suffer from it.
    At 8 o'clock, we started our activity. But before we start it, we had meeting with engineer team. We're briefed by Prof. Young Bong Seo

and we also got our guide book. The book was about some solutions that could be offered to the local people to solve their house's problems. After the briefing, we're divided into two teams. Ade, Iqbal, Ha joined “Suka smile Team”. Ozie and I joined “S.A.D Team” to capture their activities. Then we started to do some surveys around the village and we didn't forget to spread the newspaper that had been made before. After we got their problems, all of the teams went back to the homestay for having lunch.
    In the afternoon, engineer team went back to do their activites again and as usual, we captured the local people's cheerful expressions. After engineer team finished their mission, we went back to the multimedia office to finish our job. The night came and we had dinner together. Then we had briefing together to evaluate our activities that day and the next missions were waiting us. “Smile Project team” made a fruit party. It's the most wanted party for the Korean dan Indonesian students. We ate durian and grilled banana. It tasted really good. Waoooo...

 There was a student from korea that was addicted to durian. He ate many durians until it made him drunk. He's HA ( Korean Student). After the fruit party, multimedia team hadn't sleep yet because there were many unfinished job yet, such as : video editing and newspaper making for the next day.

    Friday, I have to Wakeup. I will continue the activities with “ Musita Team” and Engineer Team. Before , I start activity. I and “Musita Team” take breakfast. After, we take breakfast. “Musita Team” to do their activities like yesterday. Every morning, “Musita Team” and Engineer team spread newspaper to local people at Ngadirejo Village. And then we were also looking for a place to installing Solar Cell. Same as yesterday. We're divided into two teams. Ade, Iqbal, Ha joined “Suka smile Team”. Ozie and I joined “S.A.D Team” to capture their activities. When Ozie and I joined “ S.A.D Team”. On the way to the survey location, we decided to divide our team into two group and our purpose divided into two group, because Ngadirejo is a big village and so that our jobs quickly resolved. Then, we also help “Engineer Team” for surveys to local people house. And we didn't forget to documented all activity “S.A.D Team”. The most interesting thing is when one of our Korean friend speak Javanese. Such us : Tulon nuwun (excuse me), nyuwun sewu, ect. And it makes us very happy. After we complete to survey , all of the teams went back to the homestay for having lunch and take a rest. I and Ozie didn’t follow Friday prayers. Because there is very far from a mosque. After, we arrived to homestay. I and Ozie take a rest.
    At 1 p.m. We had meeting with engineer team. We're briefed by Prof. Young Bong Seo. I and Ozie back to our activity again. We were documented all activity “S.A.D Team” for istalling Solar Cell in front of the village chief's office.
The clock showed 6 p.m. and it's time to go back to the homestay. Even "S.A.D Team" are still some unfinished problems and "S.A.D Team" will finish it on the next day. On 8 p.m. “Smile Project team” made a Sate, Grilled Potato and drink STMJ. But I can’t ate Sate, Grilled Potato and drink STMJ. Because, I am capture a video to PC and it's unlucky for me. When eating Sate and Grilled Potato. Our Team (Musita Team) also interviewed with Prof. Young Bong Seo, Cho deok, and Gyuhaa. When interviewed with Korean students. I am very confused with talks between HA, Gyuhaa and Cho Deok. They are use Korean language. After, the party. All members “Smile Project” take a rest. Except “Musita Team”. I and “Musita Team” must complete all our jobs until at 3 o’clock . Such us : make a Newspaper, Photobook and continue video editing. When, we are printing a newspaper. The printer we use got a problem and can't function. And then, we are stopped our job. We didn’t sleep and it makes us tired.

   On Saturday morning. We had to finish our job. Such us : make a brochure festival ,photobook and video editing. I and Ozie get a job. It’s interviewed with local people at Ngadirejo Village. We asked to about “Smile Project” and “what are they expected?” , “what their impression?”, Then, “what they hope in the future”. After we interviewed with local people. Ozie back to Multimedia office. And then, I and Iqbal spread brochure to local people with use motorcycle.

    At 3 p.m. “Musita Team” make a festival for local people in front of the village chief's house. Such us : Moment Cam, Music Perfomance, Photo Booth, Korean Tea Festival, and Nail Art. we also bring guestar from PENS, it’s EEPIS REGGAE. Then, we have a problem in the video rendering. We are very confused. The local people also very enjoyed our festival. One hour later. Rendering process was completed. When movie playback, we also feel very relieved. because, our movies was played in that festival.

After the festival, we take a rest. Tomorrow, we have to wake up at 3 a.m. to see the sun rice.

    On Sunday, we woke up at 3 a.m. we went to bromo using Hartop car. I, iqbal, MJ, Yang Eun, Jenny and Ade one groups. When we arrived to bromo. We walked into mountain peak to see sun rise. Suddenly it was raining. We decided to ride motorcycle because we were tired. Unfortunately there was foggy which cover the scenery so that sun rise couldn’t be seen. After that we went down until “Penanjakan” to see bromo crater. We climbed by riding horse. we took a picture around there. When we felt hungry, we bought some food near penanjakan. There was funny story in warung bromo. Dong gyu ha ate a lot more than 1 plate of noodle. We continued our travel to teletabies hill. We played traditional korean games namely “JEGI”.

 Fortunately our team won. Beside that we took a picture around there. After that we continued our travel to “berbisik Desert”. We listened sand which blown by wind so that it could produce a voice that made us to be sleepy. After that we went back to homestay to prepare going to surabaya.
    Finally, we arrived to surabaya. We stayed in Carica Hotel for 2 Days. Then, I toke a shower. After that, we planed for going to Galaxy Mall. In there we bought some food. On 10 p.m. we went back to Carica hotel for take a rest.

 On Monday Morning, we woke up. We briefied by Prof. Yong Bong Seo. We got a mission from Mr. Seo. The mission is to make a story of our journey in Surabaya. After, we got briefied by Mr. Seo. We walked into EEPIS. In there, We visited Broadcasting studio, Robotic laboratorium, Mechanic laboratorium, and the last is Canteen.
    In the broadcasting studio, I invited korean student for played in radio room. In there, they was interviewed by my friends. After that, we toke a picture in Broadcasting studio together. And then we were going to canteen. In there, we bought many food. Such us : lompia, bread, ect.
After that, We went to Post Office using two cars. Our delivered lazaro and Ha for bought a Post card. Then, we were going to coffee toffee. In there we bought Chocolate Almont. Hemmm… It tasted really good. And we drank together. Beside that we took a picture around there and we took a picture to roadside. And then we continued our travel to Delta Mall. In there many people bought a food. Our also bought some food at Istana Restaurant. There are so many menus that's served there. Such us : Nari goreng
(Fried Rice), Mie Goreng ( Fried Noodle), Ayam Penyet ( Chicken Push ), Es mangga ( Ice Manggo ), Es kelapa muda (Ice Young Coconut), Es Campur (ice mix), ect. We tried all menus that's served. And It tasted very nice. Hemmm….
    After that, We walked around at museum “ Submarine”. In there, we also watched movie ( Video Rama). Then, we continued our travel to “Mirota Shop”. In there, we bought a accessories and souvenir. “ Mirota Shop “ very large. And then we can chose accessories and souvenir. After that, we went to Galaxy Mall for dinner in Food Galaxy. We bought many ate.
Korean students also bought traditional food from Indonesia. Such us : Sate, Nasi goreng ( fried rice ), rujak cingur, bakso ( meatball soup ), ect. In there we spend our money, just used to bought food. The clock showed 10 p.m. we went back to Carica hotel for take a rest.After, we took a rest. We briefied by Prof. Yong Bong Seo. And then we back to badroom, after, sleepy.

Lazaro, Namae, Roma, Ozie and Iqbal

Roma And Cho Deok

 I and korean students exchanged to money, won and rupiah. After that we exchanged to accessories and souvenir. And then, we back to bad room for take a rest.

    Tuesday, February 4, 2014. We woke up at 5 a.m. we delivered to Prof, Staff and korean students by minibus to Juanda Airport. After arrived to Juanda Airport. Our Indonesian Students very sad. Because, Korean Student back to their house. But, before inside to Juanda Airport. I took a picture together. After that , Korean people inside to Juanda Airport and we was fell lost a good friends. Hmm.. :’(
I will always miss you MJ , Yang Eun, Jenny, Namae, Gyuhaa, Deok, Ha, and lazaro.
hehehe :D

After that, Indonesian students went back to Carica Hotel for breakfast. At 1 p.m. we was check out to Carica Hotel and we went back to homestay.

Muchamad Dwi Roma Nursita